Tuesday, July 28, 2015

July 28, 2015

Went for a 25 minute walk.  My husband went with me - he was still home because he has jury duty today.  He needs to walk more.
Last night I read that A.J. Jacobs in his quest for bodily perfection as documented in his book "Drop Dead Healthy", ate a meal of as many superfoods as possible.  He just ate a bunch of different foods that did not necessarily go together and did not really make a recipe of them.
I, however, made a wonderful dish this morning that contains many of the foods that Dr. Andrew Weil touts as super healing foods.
I made a stir-fry for breakfast cooked in a little extra virgin cold pressed olive oil, containing many veggies from my garden and others that were not from my garden.
From my garden were: onions (harvested over a month ago), chard, 3 okra, half of a yellow squash, cherry tomatoes, rosemary, oregano, and basil - most of them harvested this morning.  In addition to that, I put in some spinach and asparagus, fresh garlic and ginger and seasoned it with ground turmeric, sea salt and freshly ground pepper and a bit of apple cider vinegar. I also tossed in some leftover kaniwa - the new "ancient supergrain".   I fried up some farmer's market eggs to go with that.
So, in that dish, Dr. W. recommends the greens and he says that fresh garlic and ginger are healing foods.  Turmeric is supposed to be anti-inflammatory as is oregano oil - I assume there was a little of that in the fresh oregano.  Apple cider vinegar is supposed to have some sort of healthy properties and the kaniwa, being a new "ancient supergrain" ought to count too.  I think that rosemary also has some sort of healthy properties.
That breakfast should add years - or perhaps an extra day? to my life.
I also had a half cup of coffee with half and half and vanilla stevia and some water.

Snack - 2 small pieces of quesadilla with a little sour cream and guacamole from Taco Cabanna and half a banana, water

Lunch - a bite of Canes chicken, a few fries and sauce, salad from whole foods, some kombucha soda, water, a piece of candied ginger

Dinner - Trader Joe's orange chicken (only 2 pieces of that) and fried rice with veggies (I added an extra cup of organic frozen mixed veggies to it when I was cooking it without my kids finding out - my daughter picked out all the green beans and lima beans anyway), leftover fresh black eyed peas and spinach and kaniwa, fruit - peach, grapes, cherries, water.

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