Thursday, August 20, 2015

Thursday, August 20, 2015

We had a cold front and it was 66 degrees this morning when I took my 40 minute walk.  It felt great!  Today's high temperature is only supposed to be 85.
Breakfast - sandwich on 2 slices of Rudy's Organic Spelt bread with avocado, vegan cream cheese and mustard and lettuce.
1/2 cup of coffee w/ vanilla stevia and vanilla almond milk creamer
green tea
Snack 1 - World Peas, some mixed seeds - pumpkin and sunflower and edamame, part of an apricot dried fruit thing, a small (like halloween size) pack of m&ms, water
Snack 2 - banana, parts of a go picnic ready to eat meal - black bean dip and plantain chips - part of the dip, the plantain chips, and the ginger zip fruits and nut mix
Snack 3 - 3 mini pickles
Dinner - roasted veggies - butternut squash, carrot, potato, sweet potato; cooked green veggies - broccoli and asparagus, sprouted lentil salad, two quinana muffins  - muffins made w/ mashed bananas, cooked quinoa, applesauce, spelt flour, coconut sugar and seasonings and stuff
Evening walk - because it was cool in the evening - 40 minutes
aaaannndd - then I snacked.  fell off the wagon - or is it onto the wagon.  because the wagon was full of snack foods - some chips and other snacky foods.  must. not. eat. after. dinner.  Ugh.

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