Tuesday, August 4, 2015

August 4, 2015

Morning walk - 6:30 am - 45 minutes
1/2 cup of coffee with vanilla almond creamer - it tastes better than the coconut milk creamer - does not have that fake icky taste to it.

Breakfast - a scrambled egg - from the farmer's market so hopefully the chickens were treated better than the factory ones and we had eggs that needed to be eaten, two pieces of Rudy's Organic Spelt bread - toasted - one spread w/ avocado and the other with Earth's Best margarine, some strawberries and a piece of banana and water

Gardening -my wonderful son helped me or I would not have gotten the amount done that we did.  I worked for about an hour and by the time we finished, it was 85 degrees and I was dripping sweat all over.  Pulled out a giant cherry tomato plant and took the tomatoes large enough to ripen off it, pulled out a giant basil plant and a smaller one and pulled off the leaves that looked good enough to keep, dug up the dirt in the older raised bed where I had pulled the tomato plant out and put in 3 bags of veggie garden soil and a bag of cow manure and mixed it and spread it around.  Got too hot to do any more today.  Now it is almost ready to plant my fall crops in.

Lunch - salad from Whole Foods - had a piece of crispy fried tofu - really was good, and a little cottage cheese in it - not vegan, but good.  Bought more vegan foods with in-store coupons. Ate the rest of the Biena all natural chickpea snacks.

Dinner - white wine, a yummy casserole of butternut squash, quinoa, onion, almonds, and corn seasoned with cinnamon and cumin seeds, some strawberries and mango and a some Almond Dream Bites for dessert - they are chocolate covered vanilla ice cream like bite sized frozen things that are vegan and yummy.

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