Thursday, August 6, 2015

August 6, 2015

Morning walk - 35 min.
1/2 cup coffee w/ vanilla almond milk creamer and vanilla stevia
Breakfast - chia/oatmeal pudding - 1/2 cup - made w/ steel cut oats, chia and almond milk and vanilla - the recipe called for rolled oats, which I do not like as oatmeal - it is ok in cookies (what isn't?), so I had to cook it this morning and it was much tastier than I thought it would be.  I did not bring enough though and I was hungry later.  I have leftover and will have more tomorrow.
Snack - a banana, green tea, water

Lunch -ate rather late because I went to the store after work - salad w/ berries on it, walnut oil and balsamic vinegar dressing, leftover fried rice and veggies and quinoa and butternut squash, some organic corn chips, water

Dinner - not much - not very hungry due to late lunch.  Glass of wine, 2 fully loaded breakfast bars made from recipe in My New Roots cookbook - I changed a few things, but it is like cookies/granola bars made from oats, a can of white beans, some organic brown rice crisp cereal, applesauce, chia and some dried fruit, seeds, nuts and spices and maple syrup.  They are not very sweet, but they are pretty good.  I also cut up some crystallized ginger into tiny pieces and put some of that in - next time I will put in more.  Dr. Fuhrman says to eat 1/2 to 1 cup of beans daily, but if you are not used to eating beans to work up to it slowly.  I had 2 cookies out of 16 and the recipe had one can of beans which is about1 1/4 cups of beans.  So, I had however much beans that would be if you can do the math to figure it out. I got .078 if I did it right and I have no idea if that is right and I have no idea how to convert that into a portion of one cup.

My family had a roasted chicken from the grocery store, bread from the store, broccoli and mac-n-cheese.  So SAD.  I could not look at the chicken.  Not because I felt sorry for the chicken or anything, but because I really wanted to eat it.  #notveryveganyetbuttrying

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